ICR Annual Report 2006
Contents [PDF Files]
- Preface [p. iii]
- ICR News 2006 [p. iv -p. v]
- Organization [p. 1 -p. 2]
Topics and Introductory Columns of Laboratories
Division of Synthetic Chemistry
- Organoelement Chemistry [p. 4 -p. 5]
- Structural Organic Chemistry [p. 6 -p. 7]
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry [p. 8 -p. 9]
- Advanced Inorganic Synthesis [p. 10 -p. 11]
Division of Materials Chemistry
- Chemistry of Polymer Materials [p. 12 -p. 13]
- Polymer Controlled Synthesis [p. 14 -p. 15]
- Inorganic Photonics Materials [p. 16 -p. 17]
- Nanospintronics [p. 18 -p. 19]
Division of Biochemistry
- Biofunctional Design-Chemistry [p. 20 -p. 21]
- Chemistry of Molecular Biocatalysts [p. 22 -p. 23]
- Molecular Biology [p. 24 -p. 25]
- Chemical Biology [p. 26 -p. 27]
Division of Environmental Chemistry
- Molecular Materials Chemistry [p. 28 -p. 29]
- Hydrospheric Environment Analytical Chemistry [p. 30 -p. 31]
- Solution and Interface Chemistry [p. 32 -p. 33]
- Molecular Microbial Science [p. 34 -p. 35]
Division of Multidisciplinary Chemistry
- Polymer Materials Science [p. 36 -p. 37]
- Molecular Rheology [p. 38 -p. 39]
- Molecular Aggregation Analysis [p. 40 -p. 41]
- Supramolecular Biology [p. 42 -p. 43]
Advanced Research Center for Beam Science
- Particle Beam Science [p. 44 -p. 45]
- Laser Matter Interaction Science [p. 46 -p. 47]
- Electron Microscopy and Crystal Chemistry [p. 48 -p. 49]
- Structural Molecular Biology [p. 50 -p. 51]
International Research Center for Elements Science
- Organic Main Group Chemistry [p. 52 -p. 53]
- Advanced Solid State Chemistry [p. 54 -p. 55]
- Organotransition Metal Chemistry [p. 56 -p. 57]
- Photonic Elements Science [p. 58 -p. 59]
Bioinformatics Center
- Bioknowledge Systems [p. 60 -p. 61]
- Biological Information Networks [p. 62 -p. 63]
- Pathway Engineering [p. 64 -p. 65]
- Bioinformatics Training Unit [p. 66 -p. 67]
Division of Synthetic Chemistry
- Visiting Professors’ Activities in ICR [p. 69 -p. 71]
- Retirement [p. 74 -p. 76]
- Awards [p. 77 -p. 81]
- Obituary [p. 82]
- Publications [p. 84 -p. 101]
- International Research Collaborations [p. 102 -p. 103]
- Theses [p. 104 -p. 105]
- The 106th ICR Annual Symposium [p. 108 -p. 111]
- Seminars [p. 112 -p. 115]
- Meetings and Symposia [p. 116 -p. 122]
- Index [p. 124 -p. 128]