Visitors / MOU / Invited Professors

Cumulative Total of Overseas Visitors in 2023

Australia 7   Austria 2   Belgium 1
Canada 6   China, P.R. 50   Croatia 1
Denmark 1   Finland 1   France 14
Germany 19   India 2   Indonesia 1
Ireland 1   Italy 3   Korea, R. 61
Malaysia 2   New Zealand 1   Norway 2
Poland 1   Singapore 5   Spain 6
Sri Lanka 1   Switzerland 8   Taiwan 26
Thailand 23   the Netherlands 1   the U.K. 17
the U.S. 44    
28 countries, 307 people

Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration


Universities and Institutes
Date of
Italy Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II 9 Apr. 2024    
Taiwan i-Center for Advanced Science Technology, National Chung Hsing University 15 Mar. 2024    
France, Others  Tara OceanS 6 Oct. 2023    
Korea, R. Institute of Energy Science and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University 5 Jun. 2023    
Mongolia The Division of Natural Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia 21 Jun. 2021    
Taiwan College of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 7 Oct. 2019    
Vietnam The Faculty Information Technology, University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 25 Jun. 2018    
Republic of the Philippines University of Santo Tomas 1 Feb. 2018    
Romania The Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering 24 Aug. 2016    
U.S.A. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame du Lac 7 Mar. 2016    
U.S.A. Chemistry Department, University of Miami 11 Nov. 2015    
France Institut Charles Gerhardt, University of Montpellier 3 Feb. 2015    
Taiwan Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University 30 May 2014    
Taiwan Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University 4 Apr. 2014    
Taiwan Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University 18 Mar. 2014    
U.K. Faculty of Science, Durham University 11 Oct. 2012    
China, P. R. Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Jiujiang University 24 Sep. 2011    
Indonesia Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, Universitas Bengkulu 6 Jun. 2011    
Vietnam Hanoi University of Pharmacy 17 Mar. 2011    
U.K. Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, The University of Edinburgh 23 Feb. 2011    
Czech Republic Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague 2 Feb. 2011    
Korea, R. Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University 2 Dec. 2010    
Spain Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Universidad del Pais Vasco Upv/Ehu 1 Oct. 2010    
Iceland Institute of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland 16 Sep. 2010    
Taiwan College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Cheng Kung University 26 Aug. 2010    
Sweden Linköping University 16 Nov. 2009    
China, P. R. Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 12 Nov. 2009    
China, P. R. Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University 12 Mar. 2009    
France Unitè Formation de Recherche-Structure et Propriètès de la Matière, Universitè de Rennes 1 6 Mar. 2009    
China, P. R. Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences 5 Mar. 2009    
France European Master in Materials Science Exploring Large Scale Faciliry 28 Feb. 2009    
Thailand Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University 27 Jan. 2009    
Italy Department of Architecture and Planning, University of Sassari 12 Nov. 2008    
Taiwan Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University 23 Jul. 2008    
India Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 22 May 2008    
U.K. Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC), University of Leeds 10 Apr. 2008    
Korea, R. Traditional Microorganism Resources Center, Keimyung University 31 Mar. 2008    
Korea, R. Kumoh National Institute of Technology 31 Mar. 2008   ICR – Invited Professor
Korea, R. Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology 31 Mar. 2008    
Germany Institute of Solid State Research, Julich Research Center 5 Mar. 2008    
Korea, R. School of Natural Sciences, SungKyunKwan University 5 Mar. 2008    
Korea, R. College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University 3 Mar. 2008    
Germany Institut für Anoganische und Analytiche Chemie, Technical University of Braunscheweig 18 Dec. 2007    
Thailand Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology 14 Dec. 2007    
China, P. R. Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong 22 Nov. 2007    
U.S.A. College of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara 19 Nov. 2007    
China, P. R. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 16 Nov. 2007    
China, P. R. College of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology 16 Nov. 2007    
U.S. A. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota 25 Oct. 2007    
Italy Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Napoli Federico Ⅱ 11 Oct. 2007   ICR – Invited Professor
Korea, R. Brain Korea 21 Program in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University 9 Mar. 2006    
China, P. R. Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences 24 Dec. 2003    
China, P. R. State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (SKLBE), East China University of Science and Technology 29 Nov. 2003    
Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 31 Jul. 2003     
France Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry 22 May 2003    
Korea, R. Pohang Accelerator Laboratory,Pohang University of Science and Technology 15 Mar. 2000    
Germany Max Planck Institute for Kernphysik 25 May 1997    
Thailand Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University 10 Jan. 1996    
Italy Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 27 Mar. 1995    
Germany Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung 14 Sep. 1994    
Hungary Institute of Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 4 Sep. 1993    
Russia Moscow Engineering Physics Institute 3 Dec. 1992    
Korea, R. Institute of Biotechnology, Korea University 1 May 1990    
Sweden Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm 4 Jul. 1989    
China, P. R. Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 27 Jan. 1989    
Bulgaria Higher Institute of Chemical Technology Sofia, Bulgaria 22 Jun. 1988 Agreement Prof Em
SAKKA, Sumio
Germany University of Mainz and Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research 30 Mar. 1987    
Hungary Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 19 Mar. 1987    
Germany University of Duisburg-Essen 31 May 1984    

ICR-Invited Professors

HWANG, Do-Hoon
Associate Professor
Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
14 January, 2009
MARRUCCI, Giuseppe
Universita degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
9 April, 2008