Division of Environmental Chemistry

We contribute to solving environmental problems through research on environment-friendly organic device design, enzyme/microorganism-based biotechnology, and hydrospheric biogeochemistry.

Prof KAJI, Hironori (D Eng)

The primary goal of our research is to develop materials and devices for use in optoelectronics, especially in organic light-emitting diodes. To gain a better understanding of the structure-property relationship of functional materials at the molecular level, we use quantum chemical calculations, solid-state NMR, dynamic nuclear polarization NMR (DNP-NMR), and optical and thermal measurements.


Solid-state NMR spectra of light-emitting organic LED materials, Alq3.  The isomeric states of Alq3 determine the fluorescence wavelengths.

Prof SOHRIN, Yoshiki (D Sc)

Our research has two areas of interest:
(1) Biogeochemistry of trace elements in the hydrosphere: Novel analytical methods are developed for trace elements and their isotopes (TEIs). The distribution of TEIs in the hydrosphere and its effects on ecosystem are elucidated. TEIs are also utilized to investigate hydrothermal activity, deep biosphere, and paleoocean.
(2) Ion recognition: Novel ligands and ion recognition systems are designed, synthesized, and characterized.


Sampling of seawater in the Pacific Ocean

Prof HASEGAWA, Takeshi (D Sc)

Correlation between the chemical structure and material properties of PFAS has long been unclear thus far. We proposed a molecular mechanism of the appearance of the properties as the stratified dipole-arrays (SDA) theory that enables us to understand the properties in a unified manner. The multiple-angle incidence resolution spectrometry (MAIRS) is our another achievement, which can be used for clarifying molecular aggregation structures in amorphous materials.


Prof KURIHARA, Tatsuo (D Eng)

We investigate the molecular basis for the expression of microbial functions. Our main themes are as follows:
(1) Studies on the molecular basis of environmental adaptation of extremophiles and their applications.
(2) Mechanistic analysis of microbial enzymes with unique catalytic properties and their applications.
(3) Studies on the mechanism of biogenesis and functionalization of biological membranes and extracellular membrane vesicles.