Research Projects

We carry out both basic and applied research in chemistry. The following sections introduce our major research projects:

Research and Education Funding

 Representative from ICR : SHIMAKAWA, Yuichi          Term : 2022-2027

Institute for Chemical Research (ICR) has been functioning since 2010 as a “Joint Usage/Research Center (JURC)” approved by MEXT. On the basis of frontier research and extensive domestic/ international collaboration conducted at ICR, the JURC further developed cooperative research and cultivate young researchers in chemistry-oriented fields. In 2018, ICR was certified by MEXT as an “International Joint Usage/Research Center (IJURC)” based on its highly ranked achievements and remarkable international activities. Now ICR has started a second six-year term of IJURC with 137 domestic research subjects and 67 international collaborations in FY2024. For further details, click here.


Integrated Research Consortium on Chemical Sciences

Joint Project with ICAT (Hokkaido Univ.), RCMS (Nagoya Univ.), and IMCE (Kyushu Univ.)


 Representative from ICR : SHIMAKAWA, Yuichi          Term : 2022-2026

Related URL: International Research Center for Elements Science, etc


Center for Spintronics Research Network

Joint Project with the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Tohoku University, and Osaka University

 Representative from ICR : ONO, Teruo          Term : 2022-2026

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