【ICR Weeks】The joint public lectures (November 12)

On November 12, 2024, the joint public lectures “Writing for Impact” and “Insights into Scientific Writing and Publishing”, hosted by Prof. KAJI, Hironori (Molecular Materials Chemistry), were held at the Obaku Plaza on the Uji Campus as a part of the ICR Weeks.
In the lecture “Writing for Impact”, Mr. Karl Ziemelis, chief applied & physical sciences editor of the international academic journal “Nature”, shared some general “tricks of the trade” for maximizing the impact of written work.
In the lecture “Insights into Scientific Writing and Publishing”, Dr. Natalie Lok Kwan Li, senior editor of “Nature Communications” provided a brief overview of Nature Portfolio journals, the editorial and peer-review processes, and what editors look for in a manuscript. The participants listened attentively to the lecture and engaged in a lively Q&A session.

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