Kyoto University Chemistry Talent-Spot 2025 Mumbai
In January 2025, ICR participated as a co-organiser in Kyoto University Chemistry Talent-Spot 2025 Mumbai, organised by the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS). This was the tenth edition of the event, which has been held in various locations across Asia (including online) since 2017. This time, with the cooperation of local universities, including the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, students interested in studying abroad for their Masters and PhD degrees were recruited. A total of 29 applications were received. From these, 17 students were selected through a document review process and participated in the event. After an introduction of the iCeMS and ICR and an overview of student life in Kyoto, individual interviews were held with the students. We heard comments from the participating students such as ‘Before the event, I was thinking about studying abroad in another country, but now I am considering studying in Japan’, and ‘This was a valuable opportunity to speak directly with professors, and it was meaningful for thinking about the future’.