IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2024 held at Kyoto University (2024.2.27)
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Global Women’s Breakfast 2024 at Kyoto University was held on February 27th, 2024. The theme of #GWB2024 is “Catalyzing Diversity in Science”.
After sharing the official welcome to IUPAC GWB 2024 video with the participants, the co-organizers introduced the event and the two invited speakers from ICR. Both Prof. YAMADA Hiroko (Organoelement Chemistry) and Dr. NAKAGAWA Yuka (Synthetic Organotransformation) shared their experience as women in science, their path from young students interested in chemistry to established chemists, and the obstacles they had to overcome on the way. In particular, they both discussed the difficulties and rewards of being a chemist and a mother at the same time. Prof. Yamada shared several statistics about the gender balance in STEM fields in Japan and the various initiatives (and their outcomes) that have been put forward to try to increase the number of women in leadership positions.
After the two talks, a panel was held, when the audience on site had the chance to ask questions to the two invited speakers. The main topics of discussion were the work-life balance for women in chemistry and the sense of guilt that can sometime be associated with taking advantage of the new opportunities dedicated to women in science.
After the panel session, the attendees had a chance to chat over some coffee or tea and get to know each other.
Main sponsor: IUPAC
Co-sponsors: Chemical Society of Japan and Association of Italian Researchers in Japan
Co-organizers: PINCELLA Francesca(ICR) and MEEKEL Emily(iCeMS)
Participants:6(zoom) and 22(on site)
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【For gender equality and family support】
Kyoto University Gender equality promotion center
Kyoto University Tachibana award for Outstanding Women researchers
Kyoto University Kid’s community (KuSuKu)