Students from Kasetsart University, Thailand visited ICR

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 15 students and 2 administrative staff from Kasetsart University, Thailand visited ICR, led by the director of Kyoto University ASEAN Center, Prof. NAWATA, Eiji (former Dean of the Graduate School of Agriculture). The visit was part of an exchange program with the Graduate School of Agriculture.

Prof. KURIHARA, Tatsuo (Molecular Microbial Science) introduced ICR and his laboratory, then Dr. SUWANAWAT, Nittikarn, an alumna of Kasetsart University and a researcher in the Kurihara Laboratory, gave a presentation in Thai about her student life at Kyoto University. In the lively Q&A session that followed, various questions were asked by the students who are interested in pursuing international career. It was a very friendly meeting and a meaningful time for further exchanges in the future.